Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Knitstory 3: Stephanie's Story

RedYarnMama Stephanie's story...
My mother was English and knitted all the time. She made us beautiful items of clothing, doll clothes and toys. She taught my older sister at a fairly young age, and she too was quite talented with needles and picked it up quickly. I was quite the tomboy and also a little awkward, so the rhythm of the needles did not come easy for me. I found it more of a chore or punishment when I was young to try to learn and finally my mother gave up trying to teach me.

However, even as a youngster I was fascinated with my elderly neighbor lady’s crochet items. I don’t know if it was easier to learn or just being removed from the head butting with my mother, but I picked up on the crochet very quickly. I would love to go to Idabelle’s house and make Grannys with her. Not until recent years did I move too far beyond grannys and ripples, but always enjoyed it and found it relaxing. Since Ravelry, I have learned even more about crochet and like trying new things.

However, now I also love to knit. When my daughter was around 8 or 9, the library started a free Knit In program once a month for all age groups. My daughter enjoyed it a lot and I loved the time spent together and sharing her joy in crafting. Started making doll clothes and accessories and lots & lots of scarves. I was able to reconnect with my mother for a few years before her passing and share our love of fiber together. She also gave me her knitting books and magazines from 60+ years of the craft, which I dearly treasure now. My daughter is now almost 18 and still loves to knit and has the ability to see a picture and make her own pattern for the item. I still consider myself an advanced beginner, but enjoy the pleasure it brings me. I always have a “busy bag” of either knitting or crochet with me for any down times that might occur, as I hate to just sit and do nothing. I also love the community of fiber artists and also meeting new people through the craft.

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